2010년 11월 28일 일요일

traditional Italy costumes

Wow, times fly.
 Already this is the last time.
Lastly, Let me introduce to you 
traditional Italy costume.

I think it's interesting!!
It is called  Toga and Tyunika.

How to wear Toga

2010년 11월 15일 월요일

Italian Greetings

I think Italian is interesting, too.
Well, let me show you ltalian Greetings.^^

Chao is a brief greeted.
English in the 'Hi', unlike,
it use when we meet and good-bye.

Buongiorno is Good morning in English.
However, it use to until the early afternoon,
around noon or after lunch.

Buonasera is Good evening in English.
It use to usually until after sunset from late afternoon.

Arrivederci is See you in English.

2010년 11월 5일 금요일

Religion of Italy

In Italy there is  the Catholic Vatican, more than 90% of the people are Catholics.
Among them, 1 / 3 attend regular worship service.
Catholics in the life habit of the Italians are

deeply penetrating.
So, Vatican and Italy's political and economic side Reflects the close ties.
The Catholic Church have big power of material and spiritual side at Italian society.

                                             Santa Maria del Fiore

                                    Milano Cathedrals

                               St. Francesco  Cathedrals

                                                        St. Francesco's tomb

2010년 10월 31일 일요일

The currency of Italy

Italy have use the Euro.

The euro is the single European currency.

5,10,20,50,100,200,500  seven species of euro banknotes is used.


2010년 10월 11일 월요일

World Festival Venice Carnival!!

Venice Carnival is belongs to the most famous festival in the world as the largest festival in Italy.

I really want to go this festival!!
It is held during 10 days on every year.
 the end of January or the beginning of February.

2010년 10월 4일 월요일

Major cities of Italy

Roma is  the capital of  Italy.
Roma is called Rome in English.
That city is also root of European civilization.

Firenze is called Florence in English.
Firenze is the birthplace of Renaissance.
Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.
The best artists was active in this city.

Venezia is called Venice in English.
Venice on the Adriatic sea, an artificial island, linked to hundreds of canals and bridges, is a phenomenal city.

Napoli is called Naples in English.
It means the new city that ancient Greeks built.
Naples is the central city of southern in Italy.



2010년 10월 2일 토요일

Italy's national anthem

Formal title of the Italian national anthem is
Fratelli d `Italia (L` Inno di Mameli).
It means 'Brothers of Italy'  (mamelri hymns).

Lyrics: Goffredo Mameli (1827-1849)
wrote: Michele Novaro (1822-1885)

This song was created when happens reunification war.
It was used as national anthem since 1946.

2010년 9월 30일 목요일

The Republic of Italy

I'm Verda and my student number is 20081479.
I'm in the Beginning English Composition class
on Tue. 3-5 p.m. & Fri. 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.

Wow, I'm  really excited to do this special project.
This project is very cool!!
Italy is a country that i want to go.
So, i decided to investigate Italy.
It will be fun!
Thanks Susan:)